The State of the Commons, Part One

This week, I’ll attempt to tame the wilds of the interwebs just enough to categorize and credit some of its most noteworthy hubs of Creative Commons licensed music (CC Music or #ccmusic, if you speak hashtag). If you are an independent artist, producer, or creator of any sort and you’ve contemplated sharing the fruits of your labor with the general …


Spiedkiks Little Smartphone People Aside from another staggering attempt to mold measly words into representations of oceanic waves of sound, I must also share a bit more wonky terminology regarding the variety of liberal licenses. Considering that this column is known as Free Cultural Work, allow me to devolve and digress into the near-legalese of that phrase for a moment. …

I need to slow down

Yesterday when I came home, I had dinner and was falling asleep right after finishing it. I woke up on the chair around 2.30 in the morning and went straight to bed for another 4 hours. Working with people sometimes sucks more energy than you would expect… So this morning I started really slow and listened to some piano pieces …

My Friend Ethan

Before we played Hearthstone. What he did after we played Hearthstone. Ethan after playing Hearthstone. Remember friends don’t shut the door on friends when zombies are involved. Edit for the record

I feel old

Time for my daily post and I have to say that I felt old when I was reading the release notes for this album. When they wrote on that they “cannot claim to be 4AD, Matador or Young Turks (yet)” I thought that many many listeners do not remember 4AD anymore. Yes this label was one of the big ones during my …

Looking forward to the evening

Any evening were I get to see T Bird and the Breaks makes for a great evening. Now off to Proud Larry’s in Oxford to catch the show! T Bird Is Good For You by T Bird