The Cat Does Not Get Chicken Nuggets

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for October 20, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. Big thanks to this weeks producer hammeron for his $11.11 donation! We have tabulated and correlated all the votes …

The End of My Teaching Career

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for October 13, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. Wildlight …

The Air Was Moist and Tickles the Itch

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for October 6, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. Big thanks to black6 for his $10.06 donation. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now …

Freshness and Newness of the Spoiler

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for September 15, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. caseJackal …

That Darn Cat

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for September 8, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. Dance …

A Strict NO ASSHOLES policy

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for September 1, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. Koresma …

I Want a Short One, I Don’t Want a Big Long One

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for August 25, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. Koresma …

We expect rain in 40 days

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for August 18, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. Wals …

a thousand points of lo-fi

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for August 11, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. Large …

While I Go Deal With This Squirrel

Welcome to the weekly #OO Top 10 show for August 4, 2023, where we recap the top tracks as decided by the voters of the #OO chat. You can take part by going to and voting for your favorite Creative Commons tracks. We have tabulated and correlated all the votes and I now present you this weeks best tracks! 10. The …