Longues Plages #1 by Matthew Tyas

Fresh from the twitter stream! I just listened to the first song and I already love this album. I added it to my wishlist and I am pretty sure I spend some money for it. Ahh the live of a stoner dreaming of the sea side…

5 thoughts on “Longues Plages #1 by Matthew Tyas

  1. hmmm he has not set up to take payment through bandcamp yet. I was going to spend some on it but it failed in bandcamp.

  2. Hi
    Thanks for listening, and a even bigger thanks for trying to pay for it. I think I’ve mended my paypal account (you’re the first person trying to pay me).
    Please don’t feel obliged in paying anything, it makes me happy just to know that someone else than can enjoy my music.
    All the best


  3. oups, just got a bug message after posting my previous reply.
    It was just to say thanks for listening, and even more for trying to give me money, I think I’ve mended the paypal problem now. But don’t feel obliged to give me anything, just knowing that there is someone else out there who likes my music is a big enough present.
    Take care

    1. Thanks for fixing it ๐Ÿ™‚ I have actually been a fan for a while ever since I came across Bobby Ritt – Live mess at the no name on jamendo. On top of that I have always been a fan of supporting independent artists and musicians. If you ever want to stop by and talk music I would love the chance to pick your brain.

      1. Hi again (sorry about that double post)
        Yes, I would enjoy having a music talk with you some day, I very really have feedback on my own stuff, and very rarely talk to anyone about it, but we can talk about it, in the middle of other things, it could be interesting.
        You have my email ๐Ÿ™‚


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