Humanoids Simulaids Vocaloids

Another great #OO show. We get the captain fired up about Honey Boo Boo and ISIS. Personally I think Honey Boo Boo is more dangerous. I will post a little later but we had Ben From The Uncredibles by during the after party where he played us some acoustic tracks.

Humanoids Simulaids VocaloidsA big thanks to our Captains SaltyHash and ViDouchebag coming in with matching $30 donations.

MartinJJ puts together some art that just creeps me out while he and Amsterdammack insure that we have proper show notes.

Enough of this jabbering lets get onto the show.




Chatroom noise

2 thoughts on “Humanoids Simulaids Vocaloids

  1. did I? Or did I fall asleep before finishing the show notes? hehehehe Guess I had a few too many joints and a few beers too, but thank you for the credit!

    1. I could see your work in it

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