Gas Station Chicken in Hipster Heaven

On another excellent edition of the #OO show we feature a great interview with Tarek from the great band The Blue Stones. We talk about suits and adventures on the stage. Tonight producers ViDouchebag with a $25 donation and SaltyHash with a 6.6 ltc donation. The captains come through again. MartinJJ for album art and helping Amsterdammack with the show …

His Moustach Makes My Beard Jealous

I hope he realizes how big of a compliment that is. Any I wanted to share with you the the Ukulele Clan Band just came out with a new release called No Sugar. I look forward to getting to dig into it today at work. enjoy!   No Sugar by Ukulele Clan Band

That Show With The Host

Alright I decided to do something a little bit different Let me know what you think. Top ten vote getters for the last 30 days. Tracks: Alex – Two Turntables And A Microphone-Unplugged (ft. KCentric)  Unwoman – Beauty Over Industry   Hans Atom – Ersatz (ft. THe Easton Ellises)  Dazie Mae – Can’t Take No Chances  Ukulele Clan Band – The …

The Beautiful World of JT Bruce

Another excellent #OO show. I rant about having Bono on my phone, and we debate with our guest JT Bruce over who is the biggest douche in music. I can at least tell you who it isn’t. That would be Kik from the Spiedkiks who comes in as last night’s producer. I pushed his button and he pushed mine in …

Captain Negative’s Smoking Mud

In the beginning there was nothing. Then there was an awesome #OO show. We rocked. We Jammed. We made dirty jokes. We make the Captain angry. All in all a good night. A big thanks to our producer rosko for his .08 btc donation. MartinJJ for excellent album art and help putting together the shownotes. Finally a shot of karma …

New T Bird album coming in January!

It is no secret that T Bird and The Breaks is one of my favorite bands. So excuse me why I am little excited for a new track from them. Justine by T Bird & the Breaks

I still don’t know the home of that reference

Tonight’s guest was Jason Sigal of, wfmu, and the Lame Drivers. Was a great interview, check it out. Wish we could of hung out longer. Him His Favorites Playlist Lame Drivers – demondz blood  Chatroom Noise This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession by Daniel J. Levitin Link: …

Dark Situations and Vague Pizza

I recap my horrible experience at Pizza Hut and the Captain loses his way in the dark. All in all fun was had by all. We had 2 producers first Edward with his $33.33 donation warning me to stay away from cheap pizza and beer. Then SaltyHash comes in with $33.32 of ltc and seconds the cheap pizza warning. MartinJJ …

Mere Exposure Effect

An excellent #Unformatted featuring Aaron Wolf of We discuss copyright, creative commons and low down dirty bastards. I could say more but that might ruin an excellent interview. Enjoy Show Links!:_A_Remix_Manifesto Nita Paley Aaron’s summary of the whole copyright thing, …

How to drive friends crazy and have fun while you do it.

Last Saturday I got to sit and talk with an old friend Leigh Brown of Dirty Boxers fame. We talked about great pranks to pull on your friends and his new project Pixelated Projects  I am not sure what else to say enjoy 2 & 1/2 hours of me and Leigh rambling as we both do so well.