Holes Of Trouble In The Wall

Another excellent #OO show. Fun was had trouble was caused. A big shout out to our Producers for last night’s episode Captain ViDouchebag with a $50 donation and DrNo2001 as a first time listener also gets his first producer credit with a $5 donation. MartinJJ continues with his awesome album art and big thanks to Amsterdammack and everyone else who …

Straight Into the Poo

Another excellent #OO show for your listening pleasure. MrOil stops to chat with us early and the Captain  brings us TWIB This Week In Beiber. Our Captains come in once again to produce the show. ViDouchebag in with $100 and SaltyHash with 40000 Dogecoin. Excellent work by MartinJJ on the artwork. Big thanks to those who put the show notes …

Dancing for the Chat Room Bunnies

Another excellent show. This time on the #OO show we celebrate MartinJJ’s Birthday and my new stand up desk. Big props to our Captain SaltyHash for his .16 btc donation. ( I am still enjoying the ride.) And of course MartinJJ for his wonderful album artwork. Also a big thanks to those who put together the show notes to allow …

Let’s Bet We’ll Save The World

An extra special #OO show featuring Jurgen from The Freak Fandango Orchestra were he kicks of their crowd sourcing campaign!! Check it out and make sure to support them at http://www.verkami.com/projects/7294-nuevo-disco-de-the-freak-fandango-orchestra it is a great project and make sure to let them know you came from the #OO show. We got a stretch goal for support for the #OO show. Producers are …

It Makes you Dance in Your Seat AKA Progo Pushes Pintsize

Another excellent #OO show. We beta tested our new vote bot Pintsize, you can check the results at https://vicky.glump.net/pintsize/ good work Progo. A big thanks to Captain SaltyHash for his .22222 btc donation for another producer credit. As always excellent album art from MartinJJ. Album Art     Tracks Singleton – Breathe in Breathe out  cc by nc sa Ava Luna – …

Spinning Pee Yellow Records

I’m back bitches, sorry been down for a couple days but thanks to the hard work of Voidzero I am back up and running. The concert was awesome I will follow up with a full review later. Big Props to our producer SaltyHash for his .3333333 btc donation. Awesome work as always by MartinJJ for last weeks artwork. Tracks T …

Botwars: Inoperative dOOche & Doug

Another excellent #OO show. Kept a mellow feel, the inertia started and well just kept it going. Props to Captain SaltyHash for his .3333 btc donation. MartinJJ awesome album artwork and we are working hard to bring dOOche to life and make Doug jealous. Anyways enjoy. Lorenzo’s Music – Picture it All cc by sa Show Me Island – The Stomp cc …