Gas Station Chicken in Hipster Heaven

On another excellent edition of the #OO show we feature a great interview with Tarek from the great band The Blue Stones. We talk about suits and adventures on the stage. Tonight producers ViDouchebag with a $25 donation and SaltyHash with a 6.6 ltc donation. The captains come through again. MartinJJ for album art and helping Amsterdammack with the show …

His Moustach Makes My Beard Jealous

I hope he realizes how big of a compliment that is. Any I wanted to share with you the the Ukulele Clan Band just came out with a new release called No Sugar. I look forward to getting to dig into it today at work. enjoy!   No Sugar by Ukulele Clan Band

That Show With The Host

Alright I decided to do something a little bit different Let me know what you think. Top ten vote getters for the last 30 days. Tracks: Alex – Two Turntables And A Microphone-Unplugged (ft. KCentric)  Unwoman – Beauty Over Industry   Hans Atom – Ersatz (ft. THe Easton Ellises)  Dazie Mae – Can’t Take No Chances  Ukulele Clan Band – The …

The Beautiful World of JT Bruce

Another excellent #OO show. I rant about having Bono on my phone, and we debate with our guest JT Bruce over who is the biggest douche in music. I can at least tell you who it isn’t. That would be Kik from the Spiedkiks who comes in as last night’s producer. I pushed his button and he pushed mine in …

Captain Negative’s Smoking Mud

In the beginning there was nothing. Then there was an awesome #OO show. We rocked. We Jammed. We made dirty jokes. We make the Captain angry. All in all a good night. A big thanks to our producer rosko for his .08 btc donation. MartinJJ for excellent album art and help putting together the shownotes. Finally a shot of karma …

New T Bird album coming in January!

It is no secret that T Bird and The Breaks is one of my favorite bands. So excuse me why I am little excited for a new track from them. Justine by T Bird & the Breaks

I still don’t know the home of that reference

Tonight’s guest was Jason Sigal of, wfmu, and the Lame Drivers. Was a great interview, check it out. Wish we could of hung out longer. Him His Favorites Playlist Lame Drivers – demondz blood  Chatroom Noise This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession by Daniel J. Levitin Link: …

Dark Situations and Vague Pizza

I recap my horrible experience at Pizza Hut and the Captain loses his way in the dark. All in all fun was had by all. We had 2 producers first Edward with his $33.33 donation warning me to stay away from cheap pizza and beer. Then SaltyHash comes in with $33.32 of ltc and seconds the cheap pizza warning. MartinJJ …

Mere Exposure Effect

An excellent #Unformatted featuring Aaron Wolf of We discuss copyright, creative commons and low down dirty bastards. I could say more but that might ruin an excellent interview. Enjoy Show Links!:_A_Remix_Manifesto Nita Paley Aaron’s summary of the whole copyright thing, …